Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Playing Golf Helps Me Deal With This Recession

Folks, there comes a time when you must ask yourself this very important question.

Do I continue to do the things that I enjoy, namely Golf, during a time when the country is struggling to pay bills? Well, YES!

Playing golf is MY meditation, it relaxes me and helps me regain my focus. Some people drink, others meditate. I play a few rounds of golf.

I am well aware of the current economic crisis, but is it REALLY that bad? Or are we allowing the media to frighten us?

True the oil prices are sky high, banks are going belly-up and loans are pretty non-existent at this point. Hey, we ALL should have seen it coming with the mortgage fiasco brewing in the winds.

We can stop driving ourselves mad, and just move forward. Continue on with business as usual, sure we'll have to work a little harder ...be more creative until this "phase" ends, and it will. Until then...I'm going to play some golf.

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